Managing Conflicts and Difficult Situations

Managing Conflicts and Difficult Situations

Managing Conflicts and Difficult Situations Training Course   Introduction The management of conflicts and difficulties is one of the most misunderstood, time-consuming and poorly handled of leadership responsibilities. Most leaders, managers and supervisors regard ‘conflict’ as something negative. However, if it is used and managed well and occurs in high-trust cultures, conflict can be a powerful source of sustainable competitive advantage. This training course " Managing Conflicts and Difficult Situations " , as a result, has been specifically designed to help leaders and managers to control and reduce negative conflict, build high-trust organizational cultures and deal proactively with difficult situations using highly effective techniques. The training course incorporates the Emotional Intelligence (EI), personality research and cutting-edge communication and influencing techniques. This training course will highlight: Your natural personality preferences for thinking, feeling, speaking and behaving that may trigger conflict – or help to manage it The default conflict-management strategies you use – both helpful and unhelpful The nature, types and causes of conflict and difficulty – inter-personal and strategic Highly effective strategic and verbal techniques to address conflict and difficulties at both the individual and organizational level How to structure your meetings, presentations and communications to reduce negative conflict and encourage healthy debate Course Objectives By the end of this training course, participants will be able to: Understand the root causes of conflict in the workplace Determine people’s preferred conflict styles Identify the common types and sources of conflict in your workplace Appreciate your own and other’s personality profiles and preferred conflict approaches Adopt the most effective skills and techniques to swiftly address the issues Understand the predictable emotional triggers and responses to conflict Differentiate between assertive, passive and aggressive behaviours Deal with difficult people and situations Hold those ‘crucial conversations’ with others regarding their contribution, behaviour or attitude. Approved Certificate from  Training Plan Please Click Here   This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam ) For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us Register Now

Managing Conflicts and Difficult Situations قراءة المزيد »

تدقيق ومراجعة العقود وكشف المخالفات والتدليس والإحتيال

تدقيق ومراجعة العقود وكشف المخالفات والتدليس والإحتيال

دورة تدقيق ومراجعة العقود وكشف المخالفات والتدليس والإحتيال   مقدمة:- صممت شركة Discovery Tools الدورة التدريبية " مهارات تدقيق ومراجعة العقود وكشف المخالفات والتدليس والإحتيال " وذلك إلى كل من يرغب في تنمية قدراته على إدارة مكاتب التدقيق والمتابعة وطرق كشف التزوير والغش في القرارات الإدارية. وتتناول هذه الدورة التدريبية المهارات المتقدمة في إدارة مكاتب التدقيق القانوي على الأوراق الإدارية الصادرة عن مختلف الأقسام الإدارية، حيث يتم مراجعتها من خلال لوائح وأنظمة تتبع للنظام الداخلي للشركة والنظام العام للدولة أيضاً، ومن خلال أعمال الفحص والمراجعة والتدقيق يتم في كثير من الأحيان كشف المخالفات القانونية التي قد تتم من خلال إصدار قرارات إدارية أو إعطاء تواقيع أو تصديق على قرارات تخالف في مضمونها النظام الداخلي للشركة وتهدف في أغلب الأحيان تحقيق مكاسب فردية مادية لأفراد ضمن الشركة. اهداف الدورة التدريبية:- يتوقع في نهاية الدورة التدريبية أن يكون المشاركون قادرين على : تعريف المشاركين بطرق وأساليب كشف الفساد ومنعه ومكافحته في المشتريات والعقود الحكومية والممارسات الإدارية لإرساء بيئة عمل تتسم بالنزاهة والشفافية ومن ثم الحفاظ على المال العام وتحسين الأداء في العمل تعريف المشاركين بالمخاطر المتعلقة بالتعاقد والمتعاقدين وأثر ذلك على المستقبل القانوني والمالي والإستراتيجي للمؤسسة. اكتساب مهارات كشف خداع وتزوير الأوراق المالية والقرارات الإدارية من قبل أشخاص داخل الشركة أو خارجها من المنافسين لها. تعلم طرق الاحتيال الخطيرة التي قد تتعرض لها الشركة وتهدد بسقوطها وافلاسها. اكتساب مهارات ضبط ومراجعة العقود والتقليل من الخسائر الناتجة عن التطبيقات القانونية للعقود، وكيفية وضع المداخل اللازمة لمراجعة العقود. إكساب المشاركين مهارات عملية في كيفية كشف العقود الإحتيالية والمخالفات الجسيمة المؤثرة على مستقبل المؤسسة. عرض التجارب والحالات العملية على المشاركين والتي تمكنهم من القدرة على اكتشاف المخالفات والاحتيالات المتربطة بالعقود الداخلية والخارجية للمؤسسة. للاطلاع على الخطة التدريبية يرجى الضغط هنا تعقد هذه الدورة التدريبية في (اسطنبول / دبي / القاهرة / لندن / جدة / باريس / النمسا / انطاليا / برشلونة / شرم الشيخ / امستردام / الرياض / طرابزون / مدريد / كوالالمبور / الإسكندرية) للتسجيل والحصول على مزيد من المعلومات بشأن محتوى الدورة التدريبية يرجى التواصل معنا التسجيل

تدقيق ومراجعة العقود وكشف المخالفات والتدليس والإحتيال قراءة المزيد »

الجوانب القانونية في اصول التحقيقات الإدارية وتوقيع الجزاءات التأديبية

الجوانب القانونية في اصول التحقيقات الإدارية

دورة الجوانب القانونية في اصول التحقيقات الإدارية وتوقيع الجزاءات التأديبية   مقدمة:- في هذه الدورة التدريبية " الجوانب القانونية في اصول التحقيقات الإدارية وتوقيع الجزاءات التأديبية " سيتم تعريف المشاركين بمهارات التحقيق الإداري ، صياغة القرار الإداري ، معنى القرار الإداري وأركانه، أنواع القرارات الإدارية وأحكامها القانونية ، قواعد التحقيقات الإدارية وكيفية اكتشاف المخالفات الإدارية والأساسيات ومبادئ الوظيفة العامة، وسلطة التأديب، والرقابة القضائية على إجراء التحقيق كما ستتضمن الدورة التدريبية أيضا شرح مهارات التحقيق الإداري ضوابطه وضماناته وأحكامه وكيفية إجرائه وستتناول الدورة أيضا شرح وتأصيل المخالفات التأديبية ونظام التأديب في قوانين الموارد البشرية و الخدمة المدنية وأنواع القرارات الإدارية وكيفية  تنمية مهارات صياغة وإعداد التحقيقات الإدارية. كما تهدف الدورة التدريبية إلى تنمية مهارات وقدرات المتدربين على أداء المهام التي تتطلبها وظيفة المحقق الإداري بكفاءة عالية، كما يهدف إلى تعريف المشاركين بلوائح وقوانين العمل الإداري ونظم الجزاءات، وكذلك إكسابهم مهارة التطبيق العملي للتحقيقات الإدارية والإلمام بجوانب الأزمات والمشاكل التي تحدث أثناء التحقيق وكيفية التعامل معها. وتحتوي الدورة التدريبية على شرح الأسلوب الأمثل في اجراء التحقيقات الإدارية وتفادي الثغرات القانونية بالإضافة إلى العديد من الموضوعات: التعرف على ماهية التحقيق الاداري ومقوماته وضمانات التحقيق الإداري تمكين المشاركين من معرفة كيفية فتح محاضر التحقيق الإداري تنظيم مستندات ومرفقات التحقيق الإداري معرفة صلاحيات المحقق الإداري( الاطلاع وفحص المستندات والوثائق الإدارية ، التفتيش ، المواجهة ، .....) إعداد التقرير النهائي (كيفية تطبيق الأوصاف القانونية على الوقائع) اهداف الدورة التدريبية:- يتوقع في نهاية الدورة التدريبية أن يكون المشاركون قادرين على : إعداد محققين في مجال التحقيقات الإدارية وذلك بثقلهم بخبرات ومهارات تفيدهم في الحياة العملية التعريف بالمخالفة الإدارية وطبيعتها وصورها والعقوبات الإدارية ودرجاتها وطرق إقرار التحقيق ومهارات المحقق والوسائل التي يجوز له اللجوء إليها استعراض الأساليب المثلى في إجراء التحقيقات الإدارية وكيفية تفادي الثغرات القانونية وذلك من خلال : التعرف على ماهية التحقيق الإداري ومقوماته . فهم التنظيم القانوني للجان التحقيق الإداري . معرفة أهم وسائل وأساليب التحقيق الإداري التعرف على أهم وسائل البحث والتحري عن المخالفات الإدارية التعرف على الأساليب القانونية في توجيه الأسئلة وإدارة التحقيق بصورة أصولية وما هي الكيفية التي يتم بها تنظيم سماع شهادة الشهود معرفة كيفية فتح محاضر التحقيقات الإدارية  تنظيم محتويات ملف التحقيق بشكل أصولي . للاطلاع على الخطة التدريبية يرجى الضغط هنا تعقد هذه الدورة التدريبية في (اسطنبول / دبي / القاهرة / لندن / جدة / باريس / النمسا / انطاليا / برشلونة / شرم الشيخ / امستردام / الرياض / طرابزون / مدريد / كوالالمبور / الإسكندرية) للتسجيل والحصول على مزيد من المعلومات بشأن محتوى الدورة التدريبية يرجى التواصل معنا التسجيل

الجوانب القانونية في اصول التحقيقات الإدارية قراءة المزيد »

استراتيجيات إدارة المخاطر العقارية الحالية والمستقبلية

اهداف البرنامج التدريبي التعرف على أنواع المخاطر العقارية المحتملة  التمكن من تحديد المخاطر العقارية  التدريب على التحليل النوعي لمخاطر العقار  صقل مهارات إدارة الممتلكات بأدنى مستوى من المخاطر  التعرف على استراتيجيات واضحة ومحددة لإدارة الممتلكات  القدرة على إتخاذ القرارات المناسبة لحماية العقارات من المخاطر المختلفة  من ينبغي عليه الحضور؟  المدراء ومتخذو القرار في الشركات والمكاتب العقارية / مدراء مؤسسات أو إدارات التمويل العقاري / مدراء ورؤساء الإدارات والأقسام الحكومية والخاصة المعنيين بالإستثمار والإدارة العقارية / ملاك العقار الراغبين في المحافظة على عقاراتهم من أية مخاطر محتملة خطة البرنامج التدريبي  الوحدة الأولى : تعريف مفاهيم العقار والمخاطر العقارية ما هو المقصود بمجال العقار كمنتجات وخدمات  تعريف ادارة المخاطر العقارية  أهم المصطلحات العملية المرتبطة بتحديد وتحليل وإدارة المخاطر  الوحدة الثانية : تحليل أنواع المخاطر العقارية وتحديد مسبباتها مخاطر عقارية مرتبطة بعوامل بشرية  مخاطر عقارية مرتبطة بعوامل غير بشرية  الوحدة الثالثة : تقييم المخاطر العقارية تحديد المخاطر العقارية الحالية والمخاطر العقارية المستقبلية  تصنيف مخاطر العقار النوعية إلى مستويات حسب أهميتها وإحتمالات وقوعها  إجراء التقييم النوعي (الوصفي) لمخاطر العقار  الوحدة الرابعة : إدارة المخاطر العقارية والتحكم فيها إدارة المخاطر المهنية للعقارات  إدارة مخاطر التسويق والمبيعات العقارية  إدارة مخاطر الممتلكات العقارية  إدارة المخاطر المالية للعقارات  إدارة مخاطر المستهلكين العقاريين القائمين والمحتملين  الوحدة الخامسة : المراقبة والمتابعة الدورية لإكتشاف المخاطر العقارية والتنبؤ بها المراقبة والمتابعة أثناء مرحلة التحديد  المراقبة والمتابعة أثناء مرحلة التحليل  المراقبة والمتابعة أثناء مرحلة الإدارة  المراقبة والمتابعة أثناء مرحلة التقييم  معالجة المخاطر العقارية بعد حدوثها إستشراف المخاطر العقارية قبل حدوثها التسجيل

استراتيجيات إدارة المخاطر العقارية الحالية والمستقبلية قراءة المزيد »

DiscoveryTools Summer Camps

  مرحبا بكم في DiscoveryTools Summer Camps في مدينة انطاليا – تركيا مع حلول العطلة الصيفية ومع إدراك أولياء الأمور لأهمية نمط الحياة النشط، والأنشطة في الهواء الطلق، وتنمية الشخصية المستقلة لأطفالهم، أصبح المخيم جزءًا لا يتجزأ من العطلة الصيفية لذا يرغب الآباء لإيجاد أنشطة صيفية ممتعة ومفيدة تتحدى مهارات وقدرات أطفالهم وليس هناك طريقة من الاشتراك  بمخيم صيفي في مدينة انطاليا – تركيا خلال اشهر الصيف بدءا من يونيو 2018 بحيث تكون كل مجموعة 10 اطفال  سيتمكن الأطفال التي تتراوح أعمارهم بين 10 – 14 عام من نقل مخيلتهم إلى أرض الواقع من خلال الانضمام إلى مخيمات Discoverytools Summer Camps لذا قد تم تصميم المخيمات للمساعدة على إطلاق العنان لمخيلة الأطفال، فحتى لو كنت تستطيع إيجاد أنشطة لما بعد فترة الدراسة يحبها طفلك، مازالت المخيمات الصيفية تمثل خبرة كبيرة لأطفالك بداية من تكوين صداقات جديدة حتى إعدادهم جيداً كقادة صغار حيث يعد المخيم مكانًا يطور فيه الأطفال مجموعة متنوعة من المهارات الاجتماعية (على سبيل المثال: التواصل، القدرة على حل النزاعات). حيث ان المخيم الصيفي يذهب إلى أبعد من الاستمتاع بالأنشطة الترفيهية التي ترتبط عادة بالتخييم  فيتعلم الأطفال مهارات بناء الشخصية، ويطورون قدراً أكبر من الثقة بالنفس، والقيادة، ومهارات بناء الفريق. يطورون صداقات يمكن أن تدوم مدى الحياة. لذا منذ أن بدأنا ، حرص فريقنا من المعلمين المؤهلين والمدربين الرياضيين والإداريين على ضمان أن يكون وقت طفلك في مخيماتنا آمنًا وممتعًا ومكافئًا مع جدول زمني متنوع للأنشطة المناسبة لعمر الأطفال. جميع الموظفين يتحدثون الإنجليزية والعربية والتركية ، ومدربين على الإسعافات الأولية ولديهم خبرة طويلة في التعامل مع الأطفال بالإضافة إلى توافر ممرضة مؤهلة للعمل بدوام كامل ومدرب سباحة وكذلك حارس امن مؤهل للعمل يمكن للوالدين الحضور والمشاركة في بعض الأنشطة الترفيهية   للمزيد من التفاصيل يرجى التواصل معنا هدفنا وأولويتنا هي توفير تجربة آمنة وممتعة لأطفالك

DiscoveryTools Summer Camps قراءة المزيد »

Well Logging Quality Control

Well Logging Quality Control

Well Logging Quality Control   Introduction This training course " Well Logging Quality Control " introduces fundamental log quality control concepts for all open hole logs usually run in wells. The participants will learn how to effectively control the quality of all logs in real time. The exercises are developed with actual logs ran in real wells, so the participants will be exposed to log quality control on real data. At the end of the course the participants will be trained to perform log quality control on real time at wellsite as well as post-morten in the office. Furthermore, this course establishes some general guidelines for conducting logging operations, reviewing tool calibrations, monitoring survey progress, calculating shale volume, porosity, water saturation, and permeability from older open and cased hole well logs. Integration and calibration to modern tests, and production data will a stressed. Course Objectives By the end of this training course, participants will be able to: Understanding what older logs really measured Understanding the rock/fluid model for log analysis Providing "computer ready" mathematics Gaining insight into rock quality versus well performance Answering oriented results, with quality control guidelines Defining basic survey parameters, establishing log scales Understanding how to monitor tool responses Understanding how to confirm the validity of the data acquired from commonly used logging devices. Approved Certificate from   Training Plan Please Click Here   This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam ) For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us Register Now

Well Logging Quality Control قراءة المزيد »

Troubleshooting Oil and Gas Processing Facilities

Troubleshooting Oil and Gas Processing Facilities

Troubleshooting Oil and Gas Processing Facilities   Introduction This comprehensive training course " Troubleshooting Oil and Gas Processing Facilities " concentrates on oil & gas production and subsequent treatment surface facility operations and processes. The course covers the entire oil & gas value chain from discovery, exploration and transportation, refining and sales An overview and fundamental understanding of the wide range of oilfield production handling and treatment equipment will be presented as well as new technologies and also provides a guide for participants in troubleshooting oil and gas processing facilities. This training course emphasises oil and gas production facilities both onshore and offshore - from the wellhead to delivery of an on-specification crude oil to the refinery or natural gas to downstream users. Produced water treating facilities are introduced and discussed and includes coverage of water injection systems. In addition to the engineering aspects of oil production facilities, practical operating problems will also be covered, including treatment of emulsions, handling of sand, dealing with wax and asphaltenes, natural gas dehydration and sweetening and refinery processing Course Objectives By the end of this training course, participants will be able to: Learn the origins and chemical characteristics of Oil & Gas Understand the challenges associated with offshore operations, horizontal drilling and other safety concerns Familiarize the various methods and techniques used to explore, drill, produce, treat and transport Oil, Gas and their products Introduce the participants to upstream, mid-stream and downstream operations Appreciate Oil & Natural Gas treatment technologies and processes including produced water treatment Learn the many processes involved in crude oil refining and how these contribute to refinery complexity and profitability Gain valuable knowledge of Gas Sweetening and Physical Solvents Unit Troubleshooting Developing a methodical approach to troubleshooting Approved Certificate from   Training Plan Please Click Here   This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam ) For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us Register Now

Troubleshooting Oil and Gas Processing Facilities قراءة المزيد »

Safety Equipment in Oil and Gas Industry

Course Objectives This course will over methods to create a safer work environment for employees.  Analyzing the posing risks  Equipping employees with the right tools  Using equipments in the proper way Responding quickly to incidents Providing first aid to those who need it   Who Should Attend?  Managers Supervisors Employee representatives Health and Safety Representatives Course Content Day 1 Hazard Assessment Protective safety equipment regulations Types, classes, and materials of safety and protective equipment  Selection Criteria  Day 2 Anchorage Connectors Connecting Components Descent and Rescue Body Support Eye and Face Protection Head Protection Day 3 Foot Protection Hand Protection Hearing Protection Breathing apparatus  Masks and respiratory equipment materials Day 4 Personnel protection against radioactive Safety belts Safety portable ladders Hydrocarbon process safety Safety and firefighting equipment Day 5 First aid and sanitation Maintenance Storing  Register Now

Safety Equipment in Oil and Gas Industry قراءة المزيد »

Principles of Carbonate Reservoirs

Course Objectives Learning how Carbonates are formed and change through time resulting in the carbonate reservoirs. Learning how to identify carbonate faces  Understanding the effect of sequence stratigraphy on carbonates,  Determining the controlling factors for porosity in carbonate reservoirs  This course is designed to develop skills in understanding the geometry and Petrophysical characteristics of carbonate reservoirs. Who Should Attend?  Explorationists Petroleum geologists  Petrophysicists Geophysicists and engineers Course Content Day 1 Basic principles Depositional concepts Grain types Textures and fabrics Environmental reconstruction Day 2 Sabkha /tidal flat Lagoon Shelf Reef (rudist and coral/algal) Barrier/shoal Slope and redeposited Aeolian and lacustrine Karst plays Day 3 Primary and secondary porosity Compaction Pressure solution Cementation Dolomitisation Porosity generation and destruction Fractures Day 4 Gamma Sonic Neutron Density FMS Day 5 Fracture reservoirs Reservoir modelling Volumetric assessment in correlation and mapping Effects of capillary pressure Interface with engineering Register Now

Principles of Carbonate Reservoirs قراءة المزيد »

Petroleum Tanks Measurement

Course Objectives Familiarizing with oil refinery & terminal operation  Understand the petroleum static & dynamic measurement Understand the oil accounting, technical auditing, marine insurance, oil trading Understand the principles of static & dynamic petroleum measurement for custody transfer purposes. This course covers the methods and techniques for accurate measurement of crude oil and refined products. Understanding the principles of operation of the primary dynamic meters and a base knowledge on meter proving and factor calculation as well as the meter/tank ticket calculations Who Should Attend?  Petroleum engineers Technical/reservoir engineers Drilling engineers Processing engineers Commercial analysts Decision makers/ investors in oil and gas sector Course Content  Day 1 Petroleum Tanks Measurement An overview on Petroleum Measurement Definition of Terms Tanks Measurement (Shore Tank, Ship’s Tank) Day 2 OBQ / ROB Measurements Temperature Measurements Sampling (Manual / Automatic) Quantity Calculation Day 3  Vessel Experience Factor (VEF)  Pipeline Control  Measurement Uncertainties  Metering & Meter Proving Day 4 An overview on Metering Definitions & Abbreviations Metering Accuracy & Uncertainties Fluid Properties Flow Conditions Day 5 Meters Meter Proving Meter Batch Calculations Meter Proving Calculations Metering Check-List Register Now

Petroleum Tanks Measurement قراءة المزيد »

Petroleum Project Economics & Risk Analysis

Course Objectives Understanding various economic terms used in the oil & gas industry Understanding how to develop economic models of various petroleum fiscal regimes Carrying out cash flow analysis and determine economic indicators Carrying out different economic analyses for petroleum related projects Evaluating and quantify risks and uncertainties Making the right investment decision in the presence of risk Carrying out a comprehensive economic evaluation study for any petroleum related project including risk analysis and sensitivity study using spreadsheet This course covers the fundamental aspects of upstream petroleum economics and risk analysis This course will allow participants to construct computer-based economic models, incorporate relevant cash-flow data and draw conclusions to aid decision-making. It also provides practical guidance in the application of the techniques of the economic analysis currently used in the oil & gas industry. Understanding economic indicators, risk and uncertainty, different economic structures such as tax regimes and production sharing contracts, enhances the quality and the value of economic analysis. The course will include a number of exercises aimed at enhancing each participant capability to conduct various economic evaluations. In addition each participant will attempt to develop spreadsheet calculations of various economic analyses. Who Should Attend?  Engineers Geologists Accountants Technicians who need to learn how to conduct economic evaluation and to understand the role of petroleum economics in investment decision making. Supervisors & Managers in the Planning, Exploration, Production, Projects, Financing and Technical Departments in Oil & Gas Companies Course Content Day 1 Cash Flow Analysis Familiarization with Economic terms. Calculation of Capex, Opex and Revenue Cash Flow Calculation Petroleum Fiscal Regimes Tax & Royalty Regime Production Sharing Contracts (PSC) Depreciation Methods Nominal & Real Cash Flow Sunk (Past Exploration)Costs Project Financing Day 2 Economic Indicators Present Value & Discount Factor Net Present Value Internal Rate of Return Effect of Project Delay Payback Period Maximum Exposure Capital Productivity Index Evaluating Incremental Projects Comparing Indicators Day 3 Risks and Uncertainties Expected Monetary Value Quantifying Risk and Uncertainty Decision Tree Analysis Added Value of Data acquisition Farm-out Decision Probability Analysis Sensitivity Analysis Spider and Tornado Diagrams Probability Distribution Monte Carlo Simulation Day 4 Setting up Spreadsheet Calculation Setting up an Integrated Economic Model of a Typical Oil Field Development Project including Sensitivity Analysis Day 5 Setting up Oil Field Development Model Workshop: Team Participation to Evaluate Different Project Economics Using the Model Register Now

Petroleum Project Economics & Risk Analysis قراءة المزيد »

Petroleum Geology for Non Geologists

Course Objectives Recognizing the components of the structure of the Earth Identifying the main rock types, their origins and their roles in petroleum generation and entrapment Understanding how drilling, completing and reworking a well affects its ability to produce Understanding what can be done within open-hole and cased wells, as a part of reservoir management Understanding how drilling practices can damage or stimulate producing wells Understanding the fundamentals of geological principles employed to find, develop and produce oil and gas reservoirs, the type of data required to build a model of the subsurface, and the different methods used to display information. This course will demystify the language used by geoscientists and help participants understand the relevance of petroleum geology within the overall framework of the upstream oil and gas industry. Who Should Attend?  Petroleum engineers Technical & reservoir engineers  Drilling engineers Processing engineers Commercial analysts Decision makers/ investors in oil and gas sector Course Content Day 1 Overall drilling practices Language of drilling Reservoir rock and fluid properties Rigs & rig equipment Drilling string components & design Bits Fluids & hydraulics  Rig operation MWD Day 2 Well control  Hole problems & stuck pipe Drilling risks Cores and coring Casing design & installation Primary cementing Directional, horizontal, multilateral & under-balanced drilling Day 3  Wellhead & trees  Zonal isolation Tubing, packers & completion equipment Safety & flow control devices  Open hole completions  Basic completion types Perforating Day 4 Open & cased hole logging  Formation damage & treatment Completion fluids Multiple completions Stimulation application: surfactants, solvents, acidizing, fracturing & deep perforating  Formation & sand control: screens, chemical consolidation, gravel packing, frac-pack, new & novel techniques Scale & corrosion Day 5 Paraffin & asphaltenes  Recompletions Reworks Sidetracking Deepening Coiled tubing Register Now

Petroleum Geology for Non Geologists قراءة المزيد »

Oil and Gas Measurement Calculation

Course Objectives This course presents the principles, design, and applications of flow measurement systems, emphasizing flowmeter accuracy, performance, sizing, and specification, selection, and installation practices. Designing a system to make practical and precise industrial flow measurements. Calculating the effects of fluid properties on flow meter performance. Evaluating flow meter performance statements and compare them with application requirements. Specifying and select the appropriate flow meters for different applications. Identifying requirements for flow meter calibration. Solving typical flow meter problems. Performing flow meter compensation and totalization calculations. Understanding flow and related phenomena (piping hydraulics, Reynolds Number, cavitation, etc.) Sizing flow elements for specific applications. Who Should Attend?  Petroleum Engineers Petrophysicists Managers Consultants Course Content Day 1 Introduction to Flow Measurement Flow meter Selection  Flow meter Performance Linearization and Compensation Totalization: Differential Pressure Flow meters Day 2 Orifice Plate Flow meters: Installations  Sizing and calculation Accuracy and rangeability  Types and selection Performance Day 3 Turbine Flow meters:  Operation theory  Installation Design and construction Accuracy Sizing and selection Ultrasonic Flow meters: Operation theory The Doppler effect  The transit time Design variations  Application and performance Day 4 Magnetic Flow meters: Operation theory  Installation Excitation Tubes and liners Electrodes Selection and sizing Vortex Flow meters: Operation theory  Installation  Sizing and accuracy  Limitations Mass Flow meters Day 5 Coriolis Mass Flow meters: Operation theory  Installation  Sizing and accuracy Limitations  Thermal Flow meters Positive Displacement Flow meters:  Helical Gear  Oval Gear Piston and Other Technologies Register Now

Oil and Gas Measurement Calculation قراءة المزيد »

Natural Gas Processing, Conditioning and Handling

Course Objectives This course will cover the major technical aspects of gas processing and conditioning that are comprised by the natural gas business chain. Increase the effectiveness of the personnel, reduction of operation costs and optimization of the performance of gas processing and conditioning. Knowledge and tools to determine the main properties of natural gas Knowledge of gas separation, dehydration, sweetening, measuring, and transportation, Fundamentals of plant and equipment design for the identification of key variables to optimum plant and equipment design and operation.  Who Should Attend?  Gas processing engineers Surface facilities design engineers Surface facilities operations engineers Gas plant managers and supervisors Field production operations engineers  Course Content Day 1  Gas Properties Natural gas properties Water hydrocarbon behavior Effects of contaminants on NG properties Hydrates Day 2  Gas Separation System  Gas separation principles and processes  Two and three phase separators Design and operations criteria Day 3  Gas Sweetening Process classification Selection criteria for sweetening processes  Design and operation parameters and criteria  Typical operation problems and troubleshooting Day 4  Gas Dehydration  Process classification  Theory and principles  Glycols vs. solid desiccants  Key operating parameters Day 5  Measurement, Transportation, Mechanical Equipment Gas measurements  Transportation systems Compressors  Pumps Heat exchangers Register Now

Natural Gas Processing, Conditioning and Handling قراءة المزيد »

Instrumentation and Control Systems in Oil and Gas Industry

Course Objectives  Learning how to use the equipments in the oil and gas industry  Understanding the operations of control system  Becoming aware of hazard materials  Managing risks safely  This course provides a practical treatment of instrumentation and control systems in Oil and Gas industry. Whether the participant is a new electrical, instrumentation or control technician/ technologist / graduate engineer or indeed, even a practicing facilities engineer, they will find this course beneficial in improving their understanding, skills and knowledge of the whole spectrum of control systems in the oil and gas environment. Who Should Attend?  Mechanical technicians Electrical engineers Electrical technicians Oil and gas engineers Course Content Day 1 Process control terminology and symbols Process loop introduction Measurement instrumentation for flow, level, temp and pressure Instrument calibration concepts Introduction to loop dynamics, tuning and control Day 2 Final control elements Control valves Actuators Control valve instrumentation Day 3 Production process control Production surface facilities systems Foundation fieldbus Fieldbus in hazardous areas Day 4 Instrumentation selection in hazard areas Hazard materials and how they behave when they are ignited Standards, certification and marking Sources of hazard Area classification Equipment inspection Day 5 Fiscal metering design specification Risk mitigation, technologies, and architecture of Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) Safety Integrity Level (SIL) overview Fire and gas Sensors selection Register Now

Instrumentation and Control Systems in Oil and Gas Industry قراءة المزيد »

Heavy Oil Gathering and Transport System (Oil Movement)

Course Objectives The main objective of this course is to increase the efficiency in the production and transportation of heavy crude oil areas and reduce significantly the high cost of producing and transporting high viscosity crude oil. Maintain sufficient local underground natural gas storage capacity and have in place additional supply sources such as LNG and propane air to meet large shifts in daily demand, thereby minimizing capacity reservation costs on the supplying pipeline. This course is an introduction comprehensive study of heavy oil transportation. Experience in the production of heavy crude oils has demonstrated that the majority of conventional production systems and treatments are highly inefficient. The production, treatment, storage and fluid transference through pipelines of high viscosity crude oils are associated to severe and costly technical problems.  Who Should Attend?  Engineers  Managers Surface facilities design and operation engineers Production staff  Anyone who is or will be responsible for heavy oil gathering and transport system  Course Content Day 1 Heavy Oil field process  Field process  Production process and transport Production system  Nodal analysis  Single phase equation in pipelines  Reynolds transport principles Continuity Equation  Momentum’s equation  Single phase flow  Fluid flow equations Day 2  Isothermal flow in pipeline  Incompressible single phase flow  Flow parameter estimation: pressure, flow, and diameter  Minor pressure loss in accessories and valves  Impact of some parameter in the energy requirement  Pumps in the pipeline system  Temperature profile in pipeline  Explicit model  For incompressible fluid  For compressible fluid  For Multiphase flow 21  Implicit model  Peng – Robinson Equation of State Day 3  Crude oil diluents  Impact of the dilution on the density and viscosity  Impact of the dilution on density and viscosity of the mixture  Impact of the dilution on the pressure requirement  Optimum amount of diluents based on hydraulic analysis  Booster stations  Impact on pipeline diameter  Effect of the mixture quality  Effect of the topography of the terrain  Heavy oil transport using heat  Hydraulic behavior on heated pipeline  Characteristic behavior of some heavy oil  Study case and premises for hydraulic study  Thermal- hydraulic analysis to the pipeline Day 4  Water-crude oil transport  Water distributed in crude oil phase  Physical properties and pressure drop  Two phase flow: different model Gas-liquid flow in gathering system  Correlations: Flanigan, Dukler et al, Beggs & Brill, Oliemans, etc  Effect of gas on the properties of the liquid phase  Flow effect on the gas phase  Mechanistic models: Xio’s Method  Gas-Liquid flow in the production system Day 5  Basic equations for gathering network  Series system  Parallel system  Branched system  Gathering network: open, closed,  Equations for gathering network  Gathering network structure  Introduction to the gathering network  Topography of the network  Generation of dendrite in the network Register Now

Heavy Oil Gathering and Transport System (Oil Movement) قراءة المزيد »

Fundamentals of Petroleum Geomechanics

Course Objectives Explain the Mechanical Earth Model and how is the Mechanical Earth Model used. Understand the origin of stresses in the subsurface and how in situ stresses can be understood from wellbore data. Explain the Mechanical properties such as rock strength, and the origins of pore pressure and how it is measured and estimated. Explain the importance of Rock Mechanics and identify the key terms and concepts that are used in studying Rock Mechanics. Define the differing characteristics and uses of rock strength tests. Explain the wellbore stability, sand production and hydraulic fracturing. This course show how these data are applied through the Mechanical Earth Model to critical problems in exploration and field development. The course includes an introduction to reservoir geomechanics, showing the geomechanical influence of pressure changes in the reservoir. Who Should Attend?  Geologists/Geophysicists/Geomechanics engineers Drilling engineers Production engineers Completion engineers Reservoir engineers Exploration supervisors and managers concerned with the geomechanics challenges of field development and exploration Supervisors and managers concerned with wellbore stability Course Content Day 1 What is geomechanics? Mechanical Earth Model Principles of Stress and Strain Basics of stress and strain The relationship between stress and strain Principal earth stresses Overburden stress Mohr circles Elasticity and elastic properties Effective stress concepts and the importance of pore pressure In-situ stress tensor Stress field variations – structural effects Stress measurements and analysis Day 2 Rock mechanical properties Rock Strength and Weakness Hardness vs. Strength Mohs Hardness Scale Chemical Composition Porosity and Permeability Porosity Definition Permeability Definition Permeability Illustration High Porosity and Low Permeability Low Porosity and High Permeability Porosity Illustration High Porosity and High Permeability Mechanical properties Elasticity and other stress‐strain behavior Failure and beyond Thermal effects Influence of faults and fractures Rock mechanics testing Day 3 Pore Pressure Basic definitions Origins of pore pressure Causes of over pressure Pore pressure and the Mechanical Earth Model Leak off tests Fracture gradients Reservoir compartmentalization Mechanisms of overpressure generation Estimating pore pressure at depth Day 4 Reservoir geomechanics Compaction Thermal Depletion effects Well integrity Plasticity Day 5 Petroleum Applications Well Planning Wellbore Stability Drilling Optimization Reservoir stress management Hydraulic fracture design Structural Permeability Fault Seal Analysis Sand prediction Sanding Evaluation Impact of Sand production Nature of Sand Production Sand Prediction Model Register Now

Fundamentals of Petroleum Geomechanics قراءة المزيد »

Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Industry

Course Objectives Understanding the petroleum economics Getting an overview of oil extraction process Determining key issues in field development Understanding the oil and gas value chain The course explores briefly the life cycle of oil starting from discovery until it is distributed and used. It also explains about the legal issues that may arise during this expensive, yet profitable process.  Who Should Attend?  Commercial managers HR managers Marketing Sales Legal managers Executives Course Content Day 1 Key terminology in Oil and Gas Life before the discovery of oil The Lifecycle of a Petroleum Field Countries rich in oil Crude oil properties Gas and liquid properties Day 2 Locating and discovering oil Extracting and processing The drilling operations Equipment used Conventional and unconventional resources Day 3 Upstream fiscal terms, production sharing agreements Appraisal Decommissioning Reservoir Depletion Mechanisms Reservoir Management Day 4 Oil and gas supply chain Project planning and managing field developments Selling and trading regulations Transporting oil and gas Day 5 Environmental issues Access authority Safety of workers Sub-surface and above-ground risks and opportunities Oil Price Risk Management Register Now

Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Industry قراءة المزيد »

Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESP) Basic Operations, Design and Optimization

Course Objectives This course covers ESP basics of design, operation and optimization, ESP components, troubleshooting and ESP surface equipment. Trainees will be introduced to the newest ESP technology and Down Hole Monitoring tools which are considered as the eyes of the ESP operators. The course will cover VSD Variable speed drives and their application in ESP wells. By the end of the course, trainees will be familiar with all ESP types and their uses in addition to ESP wells down hole problems and the best solutions applied in artificial Lift technology. Who Should Attend?  Production Staff ESP operators and ESP staff ESP field service technicians and engineers ESP application engineers Course Content Day 1 Introduction ESP Basics and fundamentals ESP components Pump components and types Motor components Day 2 Protector components and types Gas separator components and types Pump intake and types DMT types and principles  Cables types and components and cables types suitable to well conditions Surface equipment types and applications Well head components Day 3 Principals of electricity Transformers types and applications ESP design and optimization ESP design with pressure gradient Pump sizing exercises Day 4 Amp charts analyses ESP troubleshooting Electrical Surface equipment protections FSD types and applications VSD types and application Day 5 Affinity laws Harmonic effects and reduction Special presentations about ESP VSD applications Register Now

Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESP) Basic Operations, Design and Optimization قراءة المزيد »

Economics of Petroleum Refining

Course Objectives Understanding the fundamentals of World-wide crude oil supply and demand Being familiar with refinery process technologies Learning the Impact of market demand and crude oil quality on refinery configuration Learning How do refiners select crude oils Understanding the Options for increasing refinery profitability. This course presents a broad introduction to petroleum refining technology and economics. The focus is on transportation fuels refineries, petrochemical production and biofuels are also discussed. The program includes an overview of crude oil supply and petroleum product demand. This is followed with a description of refinery process technology. Describe Key refining technologies such as crude oil distillation, heavy oil conversion options, hydrotreating, and catalytic reforming Who Should Attend?  Engineers who have limited refinery experience Oil refining personnel Petrochemical producers Managers / Executives in oil refinery suppliers Course Content Day 1 Introduction to Petroleum Refinery Economics How Oil Markets Work Refinery Economics Fundamentals, Terminology and Techniques Historical Crude Oil and Product Pricing Day 2 Process Unit Yield Data and Correlations, Process Modeling Economics for Individual Units and Refinery Blending Economics Crack Spreads and Refining Margins Day 3 Optimizing in a Changing Product Demand and Quality Environment Petroleum Products World-wide Crude Oil Supply and Demand Economic Drivers from Crude Oil, Products, Key Process Units Day 4 Important petroleum product demand trends Overview of refinery process technology Impact of market demand and crude oil quality on refinery configuration Refinery/petrochemical integration Day 5 Refinery margin calculation How do refiners select crude oils Case study of new grassroots refinery Options for increasing refinery profitability Register Now

Economics of Petroleum Refining قراءة المزيد »

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