
إدارة الأندية والمؤسسات الرياضية

إدارة الأندية والمؤسسات الرياضية

دورة إدارة الأندية والمؤسسات الرياضية         للاطلاع على الخطة التدريبية يرجى الضغط هنا تعقد هذه الدورة التدريبية في (اسطنبول / دبي / القاهرة / لندن / جدة / باريس / النمسا / انطاليا / برشلونة / شرم الشيخ / امستردام / الرياض / طرابزون / مدريد / كوالالمبور / الإسكندرية) للتسجيل والحصول على مزيد من المعلومات بشأن محتوى الدورة التدريبية يرجى التواصل معنا التسجيل

إدارة الأندية والمؤسسات الرياضية قراءة المزيد »

مؤتمر المدن الذكية

المؤتمر الدولي في المدن الذكية وإدارة البلديات الحديثة حول المؤتمر يعد مؤتمر المدن الذكية بمثابة منصة عالمية للخبراء والباحثين والممارسين وصانعي السياسات لاستكشاف وتشكيل مستقبل المدن الذكية. كما يهدف إلى تعزيز المناقشات التعاونية وتبادل الأفكار المتطورة وعرض الحلول المبتكرة التي ستشكل مدن الغد. نظراً لأن العالم يقف في طليعة المشهد الحضري سريع التطور، فإن هذا المؤتمر يحتضن الجوانب المتعددة الأوجه لتشكيل المدن والتخطيط والتصميم المعاصر والتقنيات الذكية، مع إدراك أهمية هذه العناصر المترابطة في إنشاء مناطق حضرية مستدامة وصالحة للعيش ومتقدمة تقنياً. يشمل مؤتمر المدن الذكية مجموعة متنوعة من التخصصات ومجالات الاهتمام في تطوير المدن الذكية، حيث يجتمع المحترفون من مجالات مثل التخطيط الحضري، والهندسة المعمارية، والتصميم، والهندسة، وتكنولوجيا المعلومات، والعلوم الاجتماعية، والحوكمة، والمزيد. ومن خلال تجاوز حدود التخصصات التقليدية، كما يهدف هذا المؤتمر إلى تسهيل الأساليب الشاملة والمتكاملة لتشكيل المدينة وتخطيطها وتصميمها. مع استكشاف الاستراتيجيات والأساليب المبتكرة لتشكيل المدن، بما في ذلك تخطيط وتطوير المدن الجديدة. تتعمق المدن الذكية في التحديات والفرص المرتبطة بتشكيل البيئات الحضرية، مع الأخذ في الاعتبار عوامل مثل الاستدامة، وتطوير البنية التحتية، واستخدام الأراضي، وأنظمة النقل، والاعتبارات البيئية، والمشاركة المجتمعية. ويعد المؤتمر بمثابة حافز للحوار والتعاون والتواصل متعدد التخصصات، وتعزيز الروابط بين الأوساط الأكاديمية والصناعية والقطاعات الحكومية، من أجل استكشاف الإمكانيات اللامحدودة، ومواجهة التحديات، وتشكيل مستقبل مدننا نحو الاستدامة والمرونة، الشمولية، ورفاهية الإنسان. أهداف المؤتمر يهدف المؤتمر الدولي للمدن الذكية إلى جلب كبار العلماء من تخصصات متعددة (بما في ذلك نظم المعلومات، هندسة الاتصالات، والدراسات الحضرية، والأعمال التجارية والاقتصاد) لتبادل أفكارهم ومعارفهم وأحدث نتائج البحوث المتعلقة بالقضايا الرئيسية المتعلقة بالمدن الذكية كما يهدف المؤتمر أيضاً إلى مناقشة الآثار الاجتماعية والسلوكية والتقنية والاقتصادية والبيئية لإدخال تطبيقات وخدمات المدن الذكية. الفئات المستهدفة المدراء والموظفين في وزارتي الصناعة والتجارة المدراء والموظفين في وزارات البيئة المدراء والموظفين في وزارات الطاقة المدراء والموظفين في وزارات الكهرباء المدراء والموظفين في وزارات النقل المدراء والموظفين في البلديات والمجالس المحلية المدراء والموظفين في وزارات النفط المدراء والموظفين في وزارتي المياه والزراعة المدراء والموظفين في وزارات الاقتصاد والمالية المدراء والموظفين في وزارتي الاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات المدراء والموظفين في وزارتي الموارد البشرية والتنمية الاجتماعية المدراء والموظفين في الهيئة العامة للإحصاء متخصصون في تطوير الأعمال أثر الحضور على المؤسسة الاستفادة من التقنيات الحديثة لاستدامة المدن الذكية تنفيذ مفاهيم المدن الذكية ضمن التطورات الحالية والجديدة تعزيز موهبة موظفي الهيئات والمؤسسات للتنبؤ بتحديات المدن الذكية تعزيز فهم المشاركين للمدن الذكية والتنقل الذكي تقديم منظور جديد لمتطلبات الابتكار في القطاع العام والخاص تعلم كيفية تنفيذ تطبيقات التنقل تحسين النظام البيئي للتنقل الحضري العمل على تحسين حياة المواطنين في المدن الذكية فهم تطبيقات إنترنت الأشياء في المدن الذكية تحديد الفجوات في تنظيم القطاع العام الحالي أثر الحضور على المشارك تعزيز معرفتهم باحتياجات المدن الذكية الحديثة وقضايا الاستدامة تحسين فهم نماذج استدامة المدن الذكية تعلم كيفية معالجة مشاكل التنقل في المناطق الحضرية التعرف على كيفية تنفيذ نظام النقل الذكي (ITS) تطبيق الاقتصاد الدوري داخل بيئاتهم الحضرية. تحديد فرص تحسين التنقل الحضري فهم مشاكل الازدحام المروري تطبيق تقنيات إدارة التنقل الصغير وابتكار وسائل النقل العام الاستعداد للتنقل الذكي ومراجعة حلول التنقل الذكية التي أثبتت جدواها فهم الطريقة التي يتم بها إنشاء المدن الذكية موضوعات المؤتمر إدارة المدن بالذكاء الاصطناعي منهجيات وتقنيات توفير الطاقة الإدارة المتقدمة والمتطورة للمشاريع في المدن الذكية عقود BOT للمدن الذكية آليات الاستثمار في المدن الحديثة فوائد إعادة التدوير وإدارة النفايات معايير إدارة الجودة الشاملة للمدن دور شركات الاتصالات والذكاء الاصطناعي في المدن الذكية إدارة المنشآت والمراكز الرياضية ديناميات العمل الجماعي وبناء فرق العمل في إدارة البلديات الإرشاد الزراعي وإدارة الحدائق العامة والمتنزهات في البلديات المسؤولية الاجتماعية للبلديات والمحليات تطبيقات التنقل في المدن الذكية التقنيات المتقدمة والأجهزة والمعدات الذكية في المدن الذكية نظام إدارة مواقف السيارات وتحصيل الرسوم تخطيط وتطوير الطرق تطوير الاستثمار العقاري والتخطيط العمراني المعايير الحديثة لإدارة السلامة والأمن إدارة المراكز الصحية الحديثة لمتابعة الأسرة إدارة المراكز الثقافية والتدريبية تعزيز دور المرأة ورعاية الأطفال في المدن الحديثة الشراكة بين القطاعين العام والخاص في المشاريع بالتعاون مع المجلس العالمي للاقتصاد الأخضر (WGECO) – WGECO هي منظمة دولية مسجلة رسمياً من قبل حكومات الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ورواندا وإندونيسيا بالإضافة إلى أنها معترف بها من قبل الأمم المتحدة مع تسجيل رقم 112301 كأول منظمة عالمية مخصصة للاقتصاد الأخضر والأمم المتحدة مع UNGM 745563. تعد WGECO الذراع الأخضر للصندوق العالمي للتنمية والتخطيط (WFDP)، باعتبارها خاضعة للقانون الدولي والمنفعة العامة، وتقيم علاقات دبلوماسية ومعاهدات واتفاقيات ثنائية ومتعددة الأطراف مع العديد من الدول ذات السيادة الأعضاء في الأمم المتحدة. WFDP هو كيان حكومي دولي يتمتع بمركز استشاري خاص لدى المجلس الاقتصادي والاجتماعي للأمم المتحدة وهو معتمد ومنتسب إلى مكتب الأمم المتحدة للمستشار الخاص لشؤون أفريقيا (UN-OSAA). إن حقوق وواجبات برنامج الأغذية العالمي معترف بها ومحترمة من قبل المجتمع الدولي لأنها تخضع للقانون الدولي والمنفعة العامة. تعمل WGECO مع الحكومات والقطاعين العام والخاص والمؤسسات الدولية الأخرى لتطوير أفضل ممارسات وحلول الاقتصاد الأخضر للمستقبل الأخضر. الجامعة العالمية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا (GUST) – GUST هي جامعة اتحادية دولية تضم مؤسسات أعضاء مستقلة تعمل على توفير الوصول السلس إلى فرص التعلم عالية الجودة لتوفير البرامج الأكاديمية والمهنية، بالإضافة إلى البحث والتطوير لتحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة العالمية. هذه المؤسسات الأعضاء قانونية ومعتمدة ولها فروع جامعية منتشرة في جميع أنحاء العالم. تتمتع الجامعة العالمية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا بمستوى من السيطرة والتأثير على سياساتها ومعاييرها وبرامجها الأكاديمية باعتبارها هيئة اتحادية لتنسيق ودمج الموارد وضمان تنفيذ برامج نظام التعليم من أجل التوظيف (E4E) والتعلم متعدد التخصصات من أجل القيادة (L4L). GUST هي جامعة معترف بها دولياً من قبل الأمم المتحدة، وجامعة كاليفورنيا FCE – الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، ومجلس الاعتماد الأوروبي (EAC)، ولجنة ضمان الجودة في المملكة المتحدة (QAC)، ومجلس الجودة العالمي (GQCO) المتوافقة مع متطلبات ISO 21001 التي وضعتها المنظمة الدولية. للتوحيد القياسي. أطلقت منظمة ISO، التي يقع مقرها الرئيسي في جنيف بسويسرا، شهادة ISO 21001 في عام 2018. وقد تم اعتمادها الآن من قبل 126 دولة، وهي معايير اعتماد مقبولة عالمياً للمنظمات التعليمية. بعد ذلك، تعمل معايير اعتماد ISO 21001 على التحقق من صحة مكانة الجامعة العالمية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا باعتبارها مؤسسة التعليم العالي الأكثر شهرة عالمياً في منح الدرجات العلمية. المتحدثون التسجيل

مؤتمر المدن الذكية قراءة المزيد »

Smart Cities Conference in Turkey

Smart Cities and Modern Municipal Management Conference About the Conference The Smart Cities conference serves as a global platform for experts, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to explore and shape the future of smart cities. it aims to foster collaborative discussions, exchange cutting-edge ideas, and showcase innovative solutions that will shape the cities of tomorrow. As the world stands at the forefront of a rapidly evolving urban landscape, this conference embraces the multifaceted aspects of city formation, planning, contemporary design, and smart technologies, recognizing the significance of these interconnected elements in creating sustainable, livable, and technologically advanced urban environments. Smart Cities conference encompasses a diverse array of disciplines and areas of interest in smart city development, where professionals gather from fields such as urban planning, architecture, design, engineering, information technology, social sciences, governance, & more. Through transcending traditional disciplinary boundaries, this conference aims to facilitate holistic and integrated approaches to city formation, planning, and design. With the exploration of innovative strategies and approaches for city formation, including the planning and development of new cities. Smart Cities delves into the challenges and opportunities associated with shaping urban environments, considering factors such as sustainability, infrastructure development, land use, transportation systems, environmental considerations, and community engagement. The conference serves as a catalyst for multidisciplinary dialogue, collaboration, and networking, fostering connections among academia, industry, and government sectors, in order to explore the limitless possibilities, confront the challenges, and shape the future of our cities towards sustainability, resilience, inclusivity, and human well-being. Conference Objectives The International Conference on Smart Cities aims to bring in leading scholars from multiple disciplines (including information systems, computer science, telecommunication engineering, urban studies, and business and economics) to share their ideas, knowledge and latest research findings related to the main issues concerning the whole ecosystem (e.g. M2M infrastructure, cloud platforms, big data analytics, mobile applications, citizen needs, user engagement, & new business/economic models) of future smart cities. The conference also aims to discussing the social, behavioral, technical, economic, and environmental impacts of the introduction of smart city applications and services. All forms of relevant research are welcome, including conceptual, theoretical, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method studies. Conference Audience Employees in the ministries of industry and tradeEmployees in the ministries of EnvironmentEmployees of the ministries of energyEmployees in the ministries of electricityEmployees in the ministries of transport Employees in municipalities and local councilsEmployees in the ministries of oilEmployees in the ministries of water and agricultureEmployees in the ministries of economyEmployees in the ministries of communications and Information TechnologyEmployees in the ministries of human resources and social developmentEmployees at the General Authority for StatisticsBusiness development specialists Organisational Impact Leveraging the disruptive technologies and techniques for the smart city sustainabilityImplementation of smart city concepts within the existing and new developmentsEnhancing the talent of their employees to foresee the challenges of the Smart CitiesEnhance their understanding of Smart Cities and Smart MobilityIntroduce new perspective into public sector innovation requirementsLearn how to implement Mobility ApplicationsImprove the urban mobility ecosystemReaffirmation of their dedication to the improvement of the life of citizens in smart citiesUnderstand the IoT application in the smart citiesIdentify the gaps into the current public sector organization Personal Impact Enhance their knowledge of modern Smart City needs and sustainability issuesImprove the understanding of smart city sustainability paradigmsLearning how to address urban mobility problemsLearn how to implement Intelligence Transportation System (ITS)Apply cyclic economy within their urban environments.Identifying urban mobility improvement opportunitiesUnderstand the issues of traffic congestionApply techniques of micro-mobility management and public transport innovationPrepare for the Smart Mobility and review proven smart mobility solutionsUnderstand the way smart cities are created Conference Topics Cities Management with Artificial Intelligence Energy Saving Methodologies and Technologies Advanced Project Management in Smart Cities BOT Contracts for Smart Cities Investment Mechanisms in Modern Cities Benefits of Recycling and Waste Management Comprehensive Quality Management Standards for Cities Role of Telecommunications Companies and AI in the Smart Cities Sports Facilities and Centers Management Dynamics of Teamwork and Team Building in Municipality Agricultural Extension, Public Gardens and Parks Management in Municipalities Municipalities Social Responsibility Smart City Mobility Applications Advanced Technologies and Smart Devices in Smart Cities Parking Fee Management System The Planning and Development of Roads Real Estate Investment Development and Urban Planning Modern Standards of Safety and Security Management Modern Health Centers Management for family follow-up Cultural and Training Centers Management Enhancing the Role of Women and Childcare in Modern Cities PPPs in the Projects Cooperate with World Green Economy Council (WGECO) WGECO is an international organization officially registered & chartered by USA, Rwanda and Indonesia Governments as well as recognized by United Nations Global Compact with registration no 112301 as the first global organization dedicated to green economy and United Nation with UNGM 745563. The WGECO is the green arm of the World Fund for Development and Planning (WFDP), as subject to international law and public utility, holding diplomatic relations and both bilateral and multilateral treaties and conventions with multiple Sovereign States who are members of the United Nations. WFDP is an Intergovernmental Entity which enjoys Special Consultative Status to United Nations ECOSOC and is accredited and affiliated with the United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (UN- OSAA). WFDP’s rights and duties are recognized and respected by the international community as it is subject to international law and public utility. WGECO is working together with governments, public & private sectors and other international institutions to develop green economy best practices & solutions for green future. Global University of Science and Technology (GUST) GUST is an international federal University comprising independent Member Institutions extend seamless access to high quality learning opportunities to provide academic and professional programs, as well as R&D for achieving the Global Sustainable Development Goals. These Member Institutions are legal and accredited with campuses spread across the world. The GUST has level of control and influence over their academic policies, standards and programs as a federal body to coordinate and integrate resources and ensure the implementation of the Education for Employment (E4E) and Multidisciplinary Learning for Leadership (L4L)

Smart Cities Conference in Turkey قراءة المزيد »

The First International Conference on Green Energy

The First International Conference on Green Energy Our Speakers Conference objectives By the end of this conference, participants will be able to: The role and importance of renewable energies and the importance of orientation to their use.The principle of operation of each of the renewable energies.How to manage green energy projects.Investment ideas through the construction of power plants.Understand the return on capital of renewable energy projects.Knowledge of the general lines required for the construction of the power plant.The most prominent administrative and technical challenges facing green energy projects.How to transmit and distribute energy using traditional methods.How to exploit, invest and transform natural resources into energies.Designing a strategy that meets the basic needs of strategic decisions related to energy and sustainabilityIdentify the requirements of data analytics in achieving the sustainability of energy projects and operations Follow up on Details

The First International Conference on Green Energy قراءة المزيد »

Lifting Equipment Inspection

Lifting Equipment Inspection

Lifting Equipment Inspection   Lifting equipment is subject to high static loading and an unpredictable set of dynamic conditions that can lead to mechanical failure. Periodic inspection is therefore necessary to optimise safety and ensure the equipment is working correctly and efficiently. Discovery Tools offers inspection services for the full range of lifting equipment including cranes, goods lifts, platforms, slings etc, and in line with the Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) framework, our inspectors are able to carry out inspections to determine that: The equipment is installed correctly and safe to operate, The equipment is a good state of repair, Any deterioration is identified and rectified in a timely manner. As part of our inspection service, we undertake: ITP review, Visual & dimensional checks, Roof clearance test, Pendent length check, Stability test, Insulation test, Light run test, SWL test, Overload test,

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Subsea Integrity Services

Subsea Integrity Services

Subsea Integrity Services   Offshore pipelines and structure operate in extreme environmental conditions that can lead to mechanical failure if not adequately maintained. Discovery Tools provides clients with a number of sub sea inspection services appropriate for offshore activities including: Close visual inspection, Video & photographic surveys, Ultrasonic wall thickness measurements, Ultrasonic flaw detection, Alternating Current Field Measurement (ACFM) Flooded Member Detection System Magnetic particle testing Eddy current Testing, CP survey, Maintenance & repair Hull cleaning Welding – anode replacement, hull, braces and column repairs, Air diving, Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Survey.

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Rope Access Inspection

Rope Access Inspection

Rope Access Inspection   Due to the complex design of plants and inaccessible nature of offshore rigs and platforms, inspections are often required in areas where access is limited or non-existent without costly scaffolding or cranes. Discovery Tools has a team of IRATA qualified and experienced rope access technicians who, using techniques developed for climbing and caving, are able to carry out inspections safely at height or in difficult to access locations. As part of our service, we provide a detailed risk assessment and method statement for each job, allowing us to carry out the work safely, quickly and effectively, minimizing client's project costs. Using rope access has a number of benefits over scaffolding or cranes, including: Rope access is adaptable to almost any situation onshore and offshore, Rope access is relatively fast to set up and dismantle, thus increasing the inspection time window, When compared to scaffolding, rope access can offer significant savings to clients, Using technicians trained in both inspection and rope access provided clients with a single point of contact, Discovery Tools provides continual training to our rope access personnel, in line with IRATA guidelines.

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Tubular Inspection

Tubular Inspection

Tubular Inspection   Effective maintenance of drill pipe and associated hardware ensures the continued and safe operation of a drilling rig. An appropriate tubular inspection program helps identify integrity issues before they reach criticality, preventing costly repairs and / or damage to personnel and the environment. NDT/Tubular Inspection and Management Service Discovery Tools offers quality NDT/Tubular Inspection and Management services in which we inspect and manage large quantities of tubular, bottom hole assemblies, valve parts and other drilling equipments. Our NDT/Tubular Inspection Management service includes: Tubular Inspection Services Tubular Non-Destructive Testing and Coating Services Tubular Running and Management Services All inspections are carried out in accordance with client requirements and per the specified standard (API, DS1 etc).

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Well Integrity Services

Well Integrity Services

Well Integrity Services   Effective management of well integrity helps operators keep maintenance costs down, whilst ensuring the safety and productivity of the well. Discovery Tools provides it clients with a complete well integrity package to ensure early detection of potential issues. Our services include: Well & Production Testing Wireline & Completion Services Coiled Tubing, Nitrogen & Pumping Services Cementing & Stimulation Services Casing Inspection

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Rig Surveys

Rig Surveys

Rig Surveys   Throughout the operating life of a drilling rig, components can fatigue and systems fail, leading to dangerous conditions for personnel and the environment. Discovery Tools is able to offer a comprehensive rig survey (onshore or offshore) to provide clients the reassurance of a fully functioning and safe drilling rig. Our rig inspection services cover all stages of a rig's life, from construction thought to commissioning and operations. The exact scope of our rig surveys is dependent on client specifications, however a typical survey package may include: Derrick Inspection (API 4F) Dropped Object Survey, Special Periodic Survey (ABS) Hull Thickness Survey (ABS) Lifting Equipment Survey (LOLER) Alignment Survey Safety & Emergency Systems Assessment Control Systems Assessment Throughout the process, our inspectors review and ensure conformity to relevant codes, manufacturer's recommendations and legislation. Our final reports provides a detailed breakdown of a rig's condition, which includes highlighting high-risk areas of concern where immediate maintenance is required

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Pipeline Integrity Assessment

Pipeline Integrity Assessment

Pipeline Integrity Assessment   Pipeline owners and operators are often faced with a number of challenges when it comes to assessing integrity, which are often centered around access, particularly when the pipework is buried or sub sea. In addition, welds create potential areas of weakness that require inspection to confirm integrity. Discovery Tools offers its clients a number of services designed to assess the integrity (internal and external) of pipework, which takes the uncertainty out of knowing its condition. Client corrosion monitoring programs may consist of one or more of the following; Cathodic Protection (CP) CP is widely used for controlling corrosion of metallic pipework or structures that are in contact with electrolytically conducting substrates such as soil and water, by reducing the metal's corrosion potential and thus its corrosion rate. Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG) DCVG uses voltage gradients within the substrate surrounding a buried pipeline to assess its coating, allowing defects to be located and sized. To be effective the pipe has to be protected by an impressed current cathodic protection system, although a temporary equivalent can be installed for the purposes of the inspection. Close Interval Potential Survey (CIPS) Typically a buried pipeline is protected from corrosion by a cathodic protection system and a set of test stations that monitor its effectiveness. However many systems are not able to assess the entire length of pipe and as such only measure protection in a localised area. CIPS is designed to assess protection along the entire length of pipeline, by measuring the pipe / soil potential using a fixed trailing wire connected to the pipe and a set of reference electrodes located along the inspection length (typically every metre). Intelligent Pigging An intelligent pig is a device, containing one or more measuring instruments, that is placed inside a pipeline to collect data along its length in an attempt to assess the integrity of the pipe. Once analysed, the information can be used to pinpoint areas of concern and help coordinate maintenance resources appropriately. Welding Inspection Various NDT techniques can be used to assess the integrity of pipeline welds, be it during its construction or an in-service inspection. In addition to conventional methods, more advanced techniques can be more cost effective, including phased array, time of flight diffraction.

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Advanced Non Destructive Testing (NDT)

Advanced Non Destructive Testing (NDT)

Advanced Non Destructive Testing (NDT)   Inspection and testing of a material or components whilst in situ, without interruption to processes, and without destroying it is an extremely useful tool to determine integrity. As manufacturing has become more complex and the need for more detailed integrity assessment increased, inspection technologies have had to keep up to provide effective inspection solutions. Discovery Tools is able to offer a full range of advanced NDT techniques, to provide our clients with the most suitable solution to their inspection requirements. Technological developments in recent years have led to an array of innovative techniques that allow inspection of material and structures at an advanced level, including: Automated NDT Time of Flight Diffraction Ultrasonic Phased Array Long Range Ultrasonics Internal Rotary Inspection System Remote Field / Pulsed Eddy Current Magnetic Flux Leakage Alternating Current Field Measurement Digital / computed Radiography Small Controlled Area Radiography Insulated Component Test Real Time Radiography Gamma Scanning Large Structure Inspection System

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Conventional Non Destructive Testing (NDT)

Conventional Non Destructive Testing (NDT)

Conventional Non Destructive Testing (NDT)   Inspection and testing of a material or components whilst in situ, without interruption to processes, and without destroying it is an extremely useful tool to determine integrity. Discovery Tools , operating the latest technologies, offers a complete conventional NDT service, - Visual Testing, Radiography, Ultrasonics, Penetrant and Magnetic Particle. NDT is used for: Flaw Detection and Evaluation Leak Detection Dimensional Measurements Structure and Microstructure Characterization Estimation of Mechanical and Physical Properties Stress (Strain) and Dynamic Response Measurements Material Sorting and Chemical Composition Determination

Conventional Non Destructive Testing (NDT) قراءة المزيد »

Risk Based Inspection (RBI)

Risk Based Inspection (RBI)

Risk Based Inspection (RBI)   Within any operational setting, not all components or parts have an equal likelihood of failure, nor are the consequences the same should failure occur. In order to save time and money, whilst still maintaining optimal levels of safety, it is extremely useful for an operator to know which locations within a system are of greater concern than others. Discovery Tools is able to undertake a Risk Based Inspection (RBI) that takes into account both likelihood of failure and consequences of failure, to allow clients to make more informed decisions regarding inspection schedules and maintenance budgeting, allowing resources to be allocated appropriately to ensure reliability and integrity. An effective RBI program will highlight those high-risk areas that should come high in the maintenance schedule, whilst identifying those of low risk that can be placed further down the schedule. Our RBI Inspectors review all relevant data pertaining to the system including maintenance history and industry guidelines as part of a comprehensive risk assessment and assign ratings to all parts of the system, from which the client can then prioritise inspection and maintenance programs.

Risk Based Inspection (RBI) قراءة المزيد »

Quality Assurance and Control

Quality Assurance and Control

Quality Assurance and Control   For a client to be confident that a product they are purchasing or using (e.g. a valve, pipe, vessel etc.) meets not only their original expectations, but also any legislative obligations, an effective quality assurance and control program should be implemented that can monitor the quality of the product throughout it lifetime. Discovery Tools offers a comprehensive range of QA / QC services to provide our clients with that piece of mind and confidence that a product meets and in most cases exceeds their requirements, whilst performing as per the manufacturers specifications, and conforming to the statutory laws and guidelines. We possess a highly qualified & certified team of QA/QC specialists (Civil, Coating, Mechanical, E & I) who are seconded to manufacturers and suppliers worldwide. General QA / QC Services Discovery Tools is able to establish QA Plans and Procedures that set the performance standards; methods for measuring, evaluating, auditing & reporting performance; as well as procedures for handling situations when performance deviates from the standard. Third Party Vendor Inspection Discovery Tools provides an extensive range of third party vendor inspection related services to engineering & procurement clients on a global basis - supplier assessments, inspection, expediting, outsourcing, destructive & non-destructive testing and coordination. This helps clients to reduce costs, whilst adhering to technical & commercial requirements. Furthermore the service controls the quality of workmanship from manufacturer as well as ensuring conformity to purchase specifications. Total Quality Management (TQM) Discovery Tools is able to offer a comprehensive TQM package to ensure quality is controlled through the life of a project, from raw material, through milling, shop fabrication, site construction to start up and commissioning.

Quality Assurance and Control قراءة المزيد »

Modern Pharmacy Management Workshop

Modern Pharmacy Management Workshop

Modern Pharmacy Management Workshop Date and Venue : From 25 - 29 December 2023 in Istanbul - Turkey Timings : During 10:00 am - 13:00 pm   Introduction: Pharmacy management requires that you wear multiple hats. If you own or manage a pharmacy, this conference guides and helps you learn the skills you need to effectively run your business. You will learn how to apply business and management theory to your day-to-day pharmacy operations. The Modern Pharmacy Management Workshop deals with the basic concepts and links, between the different topics of, management and pharmacy. Managerial issues that pharmacists face including strategies, finance, accounting and systems. The workshop familiarizes the participants with people working within pharmaceutical organizations and how to effectively manage them, how pharmaceutical organizations meet the challenges of today’s dynamic business environment and how companies compete successfully in the global market. If you are interested in starting or managing your own pharmacy, you will learn the key skills and knowledge required to operate your business. The goal is to prepare and provide you with a toolkit you can use when developing your business plan. Workshop Objectives By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to: You have a thorough skills and can analyse issues related to pharmacy operation, and have a thorough knowledge of pharmacy management. You can communicate complex pharmaceutical- and pharmacy issues with patients, personnel, internal and external partners, and can make decisions through interdisciplinary collaboration. You have thorough knowledge about organisational, including skills in organising the pharmacy, including personnel management, rotation, logistics, internal control and quality management system. You have knowledge of financial management, including budgeting and result monitoring. You have knowledge of how to manage the pharmacy soundly, and are able to analyse regulatory issues related to pharmacy management and apply written documentation in the form of laws and regulations. You are able to work in a structured, efficient and independent manner, and are solution-oriented, focusing on quality and delivering results within given time-frames. Accounting principles in pharmacy practice Financial reports in pharmacy practice Basics of marketing and thePharmaceutical marketing Training Methodology This is an interactive workshop. There will be open question and answer sessions, regular group exercises and activities, videos, case studies, and presentations on best practice. Participants will have the opportunity to share with the facilitator and other participants on what works well and not so well for them, as well as work on issues from their own organizations. Who Should Attend? Practising pharmacists, international pharmacy graduates, pharmacy students, pharmacy owners and managers who are interested in or intending to open, operate or manage a community pharmacy or are already doing so. Workshop Outline Running a tight ship: Pharmacy operations Evaluate different operational approaches to the provision of products and services in a community pharmacy setting Describe and interpret regulatory and typical contractual obligations that apply to community pharmacy practice Analyze inventory management practices and their impact on both the provision of care to patients and the financial implications on a community practice Identify the different types of risk that pharmacies and pharmacists are exposed to within a community pharmacy practice Analyze different risk management strategies that can be used within a community pharmacy practice Describe the various types of insurance that a community pharmacy practice may utilize as part of its overall risk management strategy Identify common causes of medication incidents within community pharmacy practice Outline how a continuous quality improvement program can be utilized to improve patient safety and facilitate high quality pharmacy care Financial management Financial Statements and Analysis Analysis of Financial Statements Your pharmacy team: Human resource management Introduction to Human Resources Creating and Managing a Desirable Workplace Staff Job Descriptions, Scheduling and Managing Change Screening, Hiring, Orientation and Training Performance Management, Progressive Discipline and Conflict Management Legal Considerations in Employment and Labour Law Using marketing and communications to optimize your practice Communication Basics and an Introduction to Marketing Marketing When Your Product is a Service Marketing Segmentation and Consumer Behaviour Delivering patient-focused services: Meeting the needs of your patients Developing Patient Care Services Planning Patient Care Services Implementing and Evaluating Patient Care Services   Training Plan Please Click Here   For Registration and Further Information about workshop, Please Contact Us Register Now  

Modern Pharmacy Management Workshop قراءة المزيد »

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