دورات التسويق والمبيعات وخدمة العملاء

استراتيجيات التوزيع ومنافذ البيع

استراتيجيات التوزيع ومنافذ البيع

دورة استراتيجيات التوزيع ومنافذ البيع           للاطلاع على الخطة التدريبية يرجى الضغط هنا تعقد هذه الدورة التدريبية في (اسطنبول / القاهرة / دبي / لندن / النمسا / امستردام / شرم الشيخ / ماليزيا / الإسكندرية) للتسجيل والحصول على مزيد من المعلومات بشأن محتوى الدورة التدريبية يرجى التواصل معنا التسجيل

استراتيجيات التوزيع ومنافذ البيع قراءة المزيد »

استراتيجيات التسويق والبيع الحديثة

استراتيجيات التسويق والبيع الحديثة

دورة استراتيجيات التسويق والبيع الحديثة           للاطلاع على الخطة التدريبية يرجى الضغط هنا تعقد هذه الدورة التدريبية في (اسطنبول / القاهرة / دبي / لندن / النمسا / امستردام / شرم الشيخ / ماليزيا / الإسكندرية) للتسجيل والحصول على مزيد من المعلومات بشأن محتوى الدورة التدريبية يرجى التواصل معنا التسجيل

استراتيجيات التسويق والبيع الحديثة قراءة المزيد »

استراتيجيات البيع وخدمات ما بعد البيع ومفاهيم كسب العملاء والحفاظ عليهم

استراتيجيات البيع وخدمات ما بعد البيع ومفاهيم كسب العملاء

دورة استراتيجيات البيع وخدمات ما بعد البيع ومفاهيم كسب العملاء والحفاظ عليهم           للاطلاع على الخطة التدريبية يرجى الضغط هنا تعقد هذه الدورة التدريبية في (اسطنبول / القاهرة / دبي / لندن / النمسا / امستردام / شرم الشيخ / ماليزيا / الإسكندرية) للتسجيل والحصول على مزيد من المعلومات بشأن محتوى الدورة التدريبية يرجى التواصل معنا التسجيل

استراتيجيات البيع وخدمات ما بعد البيع ومفاهيم كسب العملاء قراءة المزيد »

اساليب إعداد الخطط التسويقية وإدارة قنوات التوزيع

إعداد الخطط التسويقية وإدارة قنوات التوزيع

دورة اساليب إعداد الخطط التسويقية وإدارة قنوات التوزيع           للاطلاع على الخطة التدريبية يرجى الضغط هنا تعقد هذه الدورة التدريبية في (اسطنبول / القاهرة / دبي / لندن / النمسا / امستردام / شرم الشيخ / ماليزيا / الإسكندرية) للتسجيل والحصول على مزيد من المعلومات بشأن محتوى الدورة التدريبية يرجى التواصل معنا التسجيل

إعداد الخطط التسويقية وإدارة قنوات التوزيع قراءة المزيد »

إدارة وتخطيط العمليات التسويقية وعلاقتها بزيادة المبيعات ونجاح المؤسسات

العمليات التسويقية وعلاقتها بزيادة المبيعات

دورة إدارة وتخطيط العمليات التسويقية وعلاقتها بزيادة المبيعات ونجاح المؤسسات           للاطلاع على الخطة التدريبية يرجى الضغط هنا تعقد هذه الدورة التدريبية في (اسطنبول / القاهرة / دبي / لندن / النمسا / امستردام / شرم الشيخ / ماليزيا / الإسكندرية) للتسجيل والحصول على مزيد من المعلومات بشأن محتوى الدورة التدريبية يرجى التواصل معنا التسجيل

العمليات التسويقية وعلاقتها بزيادة المبيعات قراءة المزيد »

إدارة قنوات التوزيع لتحقيق أعلي ربحية في ظل المنافسة

إدارة قنوات التوزيع لتحقيق أعلي ربحية في ظل المنافسة

دورة إدارة قنوات التوزيع لتحقيق أعلي ربحية في ظل المنافسة         للاطلاع على الخطة التدريبية يرجى الضغط هنا تعقد هذه الدورة التدريبية في (اسطنبول / القاهرة / دبي / لندن / النمسا / امستردام / شرم الشيخ / ماليزيا / الإسكندرية) للتسجيل والحصول على مزيد من المعلومات بشأن محتوى الدورة التدريبية يرجى التواصل معنا التسجيل

إدارة قنوات التوزيع لتحقيق أعلي ربحية في ظل المنافسة قراءة المزيد »

إدارة المبيعات بإستخدام قواعد بيانات التقارير البيعية

إدارة المبيعات بإستخدام قواعد بيانات التقارير البيعية

دورة إدارة المبيعات بإستخدام قواعد بيانات التقارير البيعية           للاطلاع على الخطة التدريبية يرجى الضغط هنا تعقد هذه الدورة التدريبية في (اسطنبول / القاهرة / دبي / لندن / النمسا / امستردام / شرم الشيخ / ماليزيا / الإسكندرية) للتسجيل والحصول على مزيد من المعلومات بشأن محتوى الدورة التدريبية يرجى التواصل معنا التسجيل

إدارة المبيعات بإستخدام قواعد بيانات التقارير البيعية قراءة المزيد »

إتقان تحليلات جوجل

إتقان تحليلات جوجل

دورة إتقان تحليلات جوجل           للاطلاع على الخطة التدريبية يرجى الضغط هنا تعقد هذه الدورة التدريبية في (اسطنبول / القاهرة / دبي / لندن / النمسا / امستردام / شرم الشيخ / ماليزيا / الإسكندرية) للتسجيل والحصول على مزيد من المعلومات بشأن محتوى الدورة التدريبية يرجى التواصل معنا التسجيل

إتقان تحليلات جوجل قراءة المزيد »

Customer Service for the Public Sector

Customer Service for the Public Sector

Customer Service for the Public Sector   Introduction This Discovery Tools training course " Customer Service for the Public Sector " is designed to give participants the communication skills, negotiation strategies, and public-sector customer service best practices they require to significantly improve customer service while lowering costs and increasing employee satisfaction. Delegates will walk away from this programme with the ability to measure customer satisfaction and apply the design elements necessary to structure their organisation in a customer-centric manner to respond effectively as customer service needs and conditions change. The benefits of a customer-centric strategy aren’t limited to private sector businesses. Government agencies at every level can gain by putting the needs and wants of citizens first. Consumer expectations are only increasing as technological advances such as smartphones and apps open new frontiers of convenience, speed, and transparency for private sector customers. At the same time, tightening government budgets are making it difficult for the public sector to deliver services of a similarly high quality. With consumer expectations only increasing, it’s perhaps no surprise that interactions with government agencies frustrate and disappoint many people. This training course will highlight: Evaluate public sector customer service best practices Improve communication effectiveness by developing nonverbal, listening and questioning skills Measure and monitor public sector customer service satisfaction Enhance persuasion, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills Utilize Social Media to increase public sector customer service engagement Course Objectives By the end of this training course, participants will be able to: Develop proactive customer service policies and procedures Successfully handle working with the four types of customer personalities Calm upset or difficult customers over the phone and in person Manage your emotions in stressful situations Enhance listening and questioning skills to better understand your customer’s real needs Set SMART goals to continuously improve customer service satisfaction Approved Certificate from   Training Plan Please Click Here   This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam ) For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us Register Now

Customer Service for the Public Sector قراءة المزيد »

Customer Profiling Techniques and Procedures

Customer Profiling Techniques and Procedures

Customer Profiling Techniques and Procedures   Introduction This Discovery Tools " Customer Profiling Techniques and Procedures " training course will give you all the essential tools, systems, and procedures you will need to ensure that your service offerings are always perfectly matched to customer needs and expectations. The rise of Social Media, peer-review websites, and price comparison sites have put power firmly in the customer's hands.  It is getting more and more complicated for organisations to differentiate themselves and stand out from all the "noise".  Customers expect products and services to be perfect for them and are becoming increasingly unforgiving.  This workshop will give you proven skills, processes and tools to profile customers and then match your marketing messages ideally to them. This training course will highlight: The Business Case for Better Client Profiling The Economics of Better Profiling How to build compelling Value propositions and tailor them precisely Understand the various Customer temperament types and how to communicate to them How to use a variety of profiling methodologies to successfully segment Customers, be they B2B or B2C and develop bespoke messages for each Course Objectives By the end of this training course, participants will be able to: Understand and use proven Customer profiling techniques to segment Client accounts and individuals Understand the real, personal meaning of value and how it works with accurate profiling to generate winning strategies Know the psychology of buying and how it differs in different segments Use tools and techniques to Profile business and develop separate strategies for each type Understand how to create meaningful surveys, that yield significant, actionable data How to use proven tools to manage and use Customer information Approved Certificate from   Training Plan Please Click Here   This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam ) For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us Register Now

Customer Profiling Techniques and Procedures قراءة المزيد »

Creative Retail Selling and Visual Merchandising

Creative Retail Selling and Visual Merchandising

Creative Retail Selling and Visual Merchandising   Introduction Creative Retail Selling and Visual Merchandising training course has been specifically created to give you the knowledge about Visual merchandising builds upon or augments the retail design of a store. It is one of the final stages in setting out a store in a way customers find attractive and appealing. Many elements can be used by visual merchandisers in creating displays including color, lighting, space, product information, sensory inputs (such as smell, touch, and sound), as well as technologies such as digital displays and interactive installations. As methods of visual merchandising can be used color and style, symmetry and rhythm, face and side presentation etc. Course Objectives By the end of this training course, participants will be able to: Develop the necessary competence and attitude to maximize sales and create long-term customer loyalty. Explain customer behavior in a retail environment. Use practical selling skills to guide their customers through a defined customer decision process. Create a positive customer shopping experience. Generate outstanding customer service. Approved Certificate from   Training Plan Please Click Here   This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam ) For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us Register Now

Creative Retail Selling and Visual Merchandising قراءة المزيد »

Advanced Selling Skills and Business Development Strategies

Advanced Selling Skills and Business Development Strategies

Advanced Selling Skills and Business Development Strategies   Introduction Companies of all kinds rely on skilled, motivated and knowledgeable sales professionals to grow their customer base and increase their revenue. This Discovery Tools Sales Professional Training course " Advanced Selling Skills and Business Development Strategies " is designed to give delegates the knowledge and confidence they require to overcome objections, close more sales, and generate new business opportunities. Specific emphasis is placed on developing face-to-face communication skills, persuasion techniques, and sales negotiation strategies. In this advanced sales training course, delegates will discover how to utilize interpersonal skills to quickly build trust and rapport with their customers and prospects. In addition, delegates will learn how to effectively identify and develop key account customers by applying professional sales best practices: Plan, manage, and control the sales process to increase sales effectiveness Diagnose and resolve problems that create obstacles to new business opportunities Successfully resolve customer objections and close the sale Utilize time-proven sales negotiation techniques and persuasion skills Maximize social media selling strategies to increase revenue Course Objectives By the end of this training course, participants will be able to: Describe effective strategies for developing new business opportunities Incorporate social media marketing best practices to increase sales Utilize body language to build trust and rapport face-to-face or over the phone Design a multimedia sales presentation Overcome customer sales objections and close the sale Customize a sales presentation to appeal to the four customer “buying styles” Approved Certificate from   Training Plan Please Click Here   This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam ) For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us Register Now

Advanced Selling Skills and Business Development Strategies قراءة المزيد »

Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital Marketing Strategy   Introduction This training course " Digital Marketing Strategy " is designed , where Digital marketing landscape is changing faster than ever. Digital consumer behavior is also changing. It becomes more and more difficult to capture the attention of consumers and engage them. On the other hand, there are more and more tools available in digital marketer’s toolbox. The new weapons of the digital marketer like gamification, user experience and storytelling enables higher engagement rates. Additionally, the unique advantage of the digital medium is being able to quantify everything about the customer. Companies are starting to build customer intelligence systems to understand their customers more deeply. Growth hacking practices make newly started initiatives to gain traction in a very short period of time. Data driven approach and systematic analytics is the key to be successful in these activities. This training course provides all the skills and practices required to perform new digital weapons like gamification and user experience. The course is also designed to give hands-on introduction to web analytics and social media monitoring tools. Course Objectives By the end of this training course, participants will be able to: Provide a solid understanding for the past, present and future direction of Digital Revolution in general and internet, social media and mobile revolutions in particular. Explain the new economies of the information age Discuss Web Era’s and future of computing - Big Data and Internet of Things - and its implications for Digital Marketing Strategy Explain the new challenges of Digital Marketer including difficulty to engage audiences Provide the Digital Marketer’s new toolkit including gamification, storytelling and user experience. Discuss the analytics revolution and what the Marketer is able to do in terms of developing Customer Intelligence. Approved Certificate from  Training Plan Please Click Here   This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam ) For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us Register Now

Digital Marketing Strategy قراءة المزيد »

Key Account Management : Establishing Profitable Customer Relationships

Key Account Management : Establishing Profitable Customer Relationships

Key Account Management : Establishing Profitable Customer Relationships   Introduction This highly engaging and practical Key Account Management training course will prepare all participants to manage key accounts effectively. Business is evolving rapidly, buyers are getting more sophisticated and technology is being deployed more than ever, creating additional buying channels and great opportunities for the modern Key Account Manager who wishes to maximize revenues and profits. Developments in technology, shifting markets, and increasing pressure on costs are changing the way organizations buy Course Objectives By the end of this training course, participants will be able to: Develop a sales plan for each strategic (key) account to fully satisfy client needs and maximize customer value. Improve margins and keep more profit. Prioritize efforts for maximum results. Lead the buying process and close more sales. Maximize human capital utilization. Identify, evaluate, and prioritize opportunities for business and relationship development. Approved Certificate from  Training Plan Please Click Here   This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam ) For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us Register Now  

Key Account Management : Establishing Profitable Customer Relationships قراءة المزيد »

Managing Marketing Communications for Business-to-Business

Managing Marketing Communications for Business-to-Business

Managing Marketing Communications for Business-to-Business   Introduction On this Discovery Tools training course " Managing Marketing Communications for Business-to-Business " you will learn how to manage marketing communications and to create a structured marketing communications plan which is both credible and realistic. Many business-to-business organisations do not understand how to structure and co-ordinate their marketing communications and as a result they waste money, time and effort. For marketing communications to achieve the desired results they must be correctly focused, and coordinated to achieve clear objectives. The communications tools must work together, with the right messages, aimed at the right target audiences, with a clear purpose for each message. This training course will feature: The ‘four contexts’ you must understand Defining the marketing communications strategy Communicating to win preference with decision-makers Raising credibility through important stakeholders Prioritising and targeting the right people Coordinating communications tools and messages Course Objectives By the end of this training course, participants will be able to: Construct credible marketing communications plans Build your plan on clear principles and evidence Convince colleagues to adopt your plan Integrate your communications and marketing strategy Communicate your brand consistently Use your communications budget effectively Approved Certificate from  Training Plan Please Click Here   This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam ) For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us Register Now

Managing Marketing Communications for Business-to-Business قراءة المزيد »

Marketing Strategies and Planning

Marketing Strategies and Planning

Marketing Strategies and Planning   Introduction The strategic planning process assesses the internal and external environments in which your business operates. It focuses on identifying a business' strategic or core competency relative to market opportunities. An organisation’s marketing strategy lays the foundation for building an effective marketing plan. This " Marketing Strategies and Planning " training course is designed to give participants a deep dive into core marketing strategies, best practices, and planning principles such as customer and competitor analysis, value pricing, relationship management, brand management, and social media marketing. Operating a successful business requires ongoing assessments of how marketing resources are allocated relative to meeting the company's financial goals. The most wonderful and beneficial products in the world won't mean a thing in regards to your company’s financial bottom line if nobody knows about them. For this reason, acquiring professional-level marketing skills are a must when it comes to helping your business live up to its full potential. Marketing strategies and planning help translate financial goals into action steps to drive demand for a company's products or services. This training course will highlight skills to: Analyze existing product and markets in terms of the ability to gain market share, grow revenue and, sustain or grow profitability Establish metrics for the measurement of marketing programme effectiveness Oversee the company marketing function to identify new customers for products and services Establish short and long-range marketing plans, objectives, and operating procedures Explore new ways to identify and engage new customers using social media platforms Course Objectives By the end of this training course, participants will be able to: Develop a marketing strategy for your company to meet agreed marketing objectives Plan, budget and implement effective marketing initiatives Build trust, communicate effectively, and collaborate with other stakeholders Develop effective marketing communication programmes Conduct periodic analysis of marketing efforts, effectiveness and ROI Analyze market trends and recommend changes to marketing and business development strategies Approved Certificate from  Training Plan Please Click Here   This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam ) For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us Register Now

Marketing Strategies and Planning قراءة المزيد »

Mastering Sales Management Fundamentals

Mastering Sales Management Fundamentals

Mastering Sales Management Fundamentals   Introduction Unfortunately, top salespeople are frequently promoted to management positions without having the leadership and management skills required to be an effective sales manager. This comprehensive training course " Mastering Sales Management Fundamentals " is designed to give sales managers the fundamental skills they require to recruit, train and motivate a highly-productive sales team. This training seminar sets a standard for sales managers because it focuses on sales management best practices to increase revenue growth through higher sales effectiveness. Topics covered in the training seminar range from motivation techniques, to goal setting and face-to-face communication skills. Whether you’re a seasoned sales manager looking to sharpen your skills, or a newly promoted sales manager looking to lead a sales force for the first time, this training course is designed for you. Delegates will walk away from this training with a specific action plan and the tools they need to lead a successful sales team. This training course will highlight: Hire high-performing salespeople according to HR staffing guidelines Manage the sales team to its full potential to reach sales targets Plan and direct sales team training Resolve customer complaints regarding sales and service Setting SMART goals for business development Course Objectives By the end of this training course, participants will be able to: Develop a strong team by evaluating, training, and coaching them to drive results through the selling process Plan and conduct market research to identify market trends Conduct effective sales training meetings Develop strategic sales plan to lead sales team to implement strategies Deliver customer-focused sales presentations Direct sales forecasting activities and set sales team performance goals Approved Certificate from  Training Plan Please Click Here   This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam ) For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us Register Now

Mastering Sales Management Fundamentals قراءة المزيد »

Professional Brand Manager

Professional Brand Manager

Professional Brand Manager   Introduction This " Professional Brand Manager " training course is designed to all those involved in decisions and actions impacting the health of the brand. It is also of direct interest to marketing, product and brand managers and supervisors. The concepts introduced are also of key importance to those managers who chart the overall strategic and operational policies of the company. Course Objectives By the end of this training course, participants will be able to: Ensure the success of organization, product or service through careful attention to brand imperatives. Craft a powerful brand positioning statement that reflects the brand promise and the expectations of their most valued customers. Build a fully aligned, brand-focused operation. Measure brand equity, track it and maximize it. Master the branding process and conduct a full brand audit. Avoid the dangers and pitfalls of ignoring the laws of branding. Approved Certificate from  Training Plan Please Click Here   This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam ) For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us Register Now

Professional Brand Manager قراءة المزيد »

Sales and Marketing Management MBA

Sales and Marketing Management MBA

Sales and Marketing Management MBA   Introduction This Sales and Marketing Management MBA is designed to give participants the time-proven sales and marketing concepts they need to promote business development and enhance sales effectiveness. Today’s rapidly advancing technologies are transforming the business landscape in a way that requires a shift in thinking with respect to the traditional sales and marketing paradigm. It's your corporate marketing initiatives that differentiate your brand in the marketplace. By combining case study and real-world This interactive training course will give delegates the communication skills, persuasion strategies, and face-to-face, win-win, negotiation techniques they require to close more sales in less time. There is absolutely no substitute for a well-trained and motivated sales team. The fact is that sales skill training is critically important and can literally mean the difference between success and failure in today's competitive business environment. The core learning objectives in this training course will be especially beneficial for delegates who are responsible for planning sales and marketing initiatives to increase revenue growth. Course Objectives By the end of this training course, participants will be able to: Describe techniques for optimal recruiting and interviewing of top-producing salespeople Design, implement and manage an effective marketing plan Overcome common sales objections and close the sale Adjust marketing approach and sales presentation style to customer’s “buying style” Use body language to build trust and rapport face-to-face or over the phone Align sales and marketing Initiatives within the organisation Develop sales and marketing strategies and programmes to build a competitive advantage Improve sales recruiting, interviewing, and hiring process Integrate social media marketing with traditional marketing plan Use the marketing mix to increase business development opportunities Approved Certificate from  Training Plan Please Click Here   This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam ) For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us Register Now

Sales and Marketing Management MBA قراءة المزيد »

Social Media Marketing and Networking

Social Media Marketing and Networking

Social Media Marketing and Networking   Introduction This training course " Social Media Marketing and Networking " is designed for Marketing professionals at a beginner or intermediate level, account representatives, associates, territory managers, business owners, strategists, sales managers, business development professionals, sales executives and marketers who are involved in interactive marketing strategies and would like to gain a practical understanding of the latest techniques and tools available in web marketing and social media to gain leads and increase sales. Course Objectives By the end of this training course, participants will be able to: Effectively employ social media to develop leads to help them increase sales volume. Publish content people want to read and search engines reward with high rankings. Migrate from individual marketing activities to online marketing. Monitor the web for buzz and communication affecting their brand. Use tools like blogs, and social networking to enhance their online presence. Recognize how to gain followers on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and instantly communicate with current and potential customers Listen to customers using social media channels while saving time on emails and phone calls to reach more people via social networking. Do a step-by-step approach for building an online marketing strategy and an action plan to create online leadership for their organization. Approved Certificate from  Training Plan Please Click Here   This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam ) For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us Register Now  

Social Media Marketing and Networking قراءة المزيد »

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